About Verity

Thank you for finding your way here… 

My name is Verity, and I am passionate about helping people like you.

I am a Yoga Teacher, Movement Therapist, Ayurvedic, Reiki Practitioner and Sound Healer… but beneath all the labels I am simply a Pilgrim of the heart. I feel most at home in the elements. You will likely find me walking in the woods with my dog Zucca or drumming in the roots of an old tree; I love to float and swim in open water, following winding river adventures on my paddle board. 

I live whole-heartedly and holistically, attuned to the rhythms and cycles of Mother Nature. She is the guiding inspiration in all that I do, sharing earthy rituals and seasonally inspired practices to support you through transition and change. I fuse ancient wisdom from these lands with Eastern philosophies adapted for resonance with tender hearts in our modern times. My offerings aim to empower you to unlock your innate magic and rediscover your intuitive nature. 

I love creating sacred spaces as a sanctuary from the ever-changing current of "reality" and the busyness of our modern world. Safe, nurturing places where you can return to a simpler, more earth-rooted way of being. 

My Journey 

We all have a story and mine  is one of becoming, learning to live bravely and feel entirely... to embrace wholly who I am. Vital, vocal, passionate, playful, wise, impulsive... & wild 

I grew up in the sunny south of England, in the historic town of Arundel - a vale between rolling chalky downs and pebbled shoreline. I had, for the most part, a happy, healthy childhood - wide-eyed and curious, I loved to create, explore and perform. 

Yet somewhen in early childhood, I felt it was unsafe to show the real me, and I began to distrust the bold, spirited little girl and her tenacity. I cannot pinpoint it exactly, but feelings of constant overwhelm and doubt effused my early school years. The struggle was an internal emotional storm, with feelings so big, it felt safer to detach and shrink away rather than face the squall. In my youthful innocence, I created impervious boundaries and restrictive behaviours that gave me an illusion of comfort and safety. In a world so vast and uncertain, I thought I could orchestrate my reality by keeping myself and my world small. 

I spent 20 years of this precious life hiding, shrinking and dimming to fit in -  over half a life, as half a woman, fearing what it meant to be whole.

Like many other women and girls, I had learnt to distrust my unwieldy truths and creative chaos. I believed I needed to be a 'good girl' - to perfect and please, suppressing my urges, instincts, and intuition, ignoring my body's wisdom.

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.’  ~ Marianne Williamson

As a young woman in my twenties, I travelled the world, seeking solace, connection and a land that felt like home. Little did I know that place of belonging would never be found in far-off landscapes but in the landscape of my own body… to be at home in my skin. Behind the veneer of a blessed and abundant life, I felt unfulfilled and never satiated, which kept me on a perpetual journey of seeking - following the quest for meaning.

There was an ache calling me towards myself and at 27 I began the journey home. 

I dabbled with Yoga intermittently through my teens and twenties, using movement as a form of self-expression and grateful for the influence that had on my state of being. Those precious moments on the mat invited me to reconnect with my body; I felt empowered, inspired and strong. Uncertain of my direction, I knew in my body and bones that this was the path I had to tread... a life-long quest, ever-evolving twisting, turning and returning. 

My own healing journey took me deeper into Yoga, meditation and energy work. I had discovered the purpose I'd been searching for and felt a surging passion that led me headfirst and book-deep into spiritual studies. I loved reading the ancient texts and philosophies, which felt like familiar echoes I'd heard before. Still, nothing felt more empowering than the moments of self-discovery - to feel an inner knowing, touching the wisdom from within. 

I have learnt the truth of this work comes through integration and allowing space to embody love and life every single day. I live in relationship with the practices, yielding to these living, breathing, ever-evolving rhythms. 

I have devoted my life as a Pilgrim of the heart, courageously following this mysterious path. For the pledge and plight bring me closer to that childhood love for life and a connection to the world that is now more knowing… 

Thank you for joining me on this journey. 

Verity x

In the stars...

I was born with Gemini sun and Scorpio moon, with Sagittarius rising - these planetary placements inform much of my work. 

Community is the heart and centre of all I do; I love bringing people together in beautiful, nurturing environments and creating healing spaces so they can return to their natural state of being. 

There is both lightness and depth in my chart with this air, water, fire combination; a blend of intellectual curiosity and emotional empathy making me magnetic yet mysterious.

I feel profoundly and care deeply 

My work reflects the beauty and light in this world,  but I’m equally willing to walk through the shadows and transverse the uncomfortable. I believe it is important  to show up for myself, devoting my life to dance these dynamic relationships while being of service to others.

Walking each other home 

I am a torch bearer for the Heroine's Journey, offering gentle guidance along the winding path of spirals and circles. I offer sanctuary, share stories and ancient wisdom to empower women, forging pathways home to our hearts and reweaving our connection to the natural world.  


Well Woman Yoga Therapy Uma Dinsmore-Tuli 

Crystal Sonic Practice/ Sound Therapy Level 1 & 2 Generva Jolie

Shodden Reiki 1 & Okuden Reiki 2 Awakening light - Brighitta Moser-Clark 

Chakra Yoga Training Katrina Rekpa - Yoga Campus 

Advanced Meditation Training Alan Finger - ISHTA New York

ISHTA Yoga Advanced Masters Program ISHTA New York 

500 hour ISHTA Yoga Teacher Training Katrina Rekpa - ISHTA Yoga

Ayurvedic Health Counsellor & Ayurvedic Chef Training Myra Lewin - Hale Pule

Naturopathic Nutrition CNM London


Somatic Psychology Jane Okondo - IBMT

And, as a lifelong learner, I am sure there will be many more to come.